Rešimo Muro


Sand Martin, © by Goran Safarek

The sand martin

Croatian bird of the year 2016

WWF, together with NGOs of Natural History Society Drava, Green Osijek, Croatian Society for the Protection of Birds and Nature, Baobab, ZEUS and Matis rafting club, proclaimed the sand martin the Croatian bird of the year 2016. Through this very interesting bird, NGOs want to draw attention to the ...
Preberi več
Preberi več
Drava descent, © by WWF

200 kayakers, one motto:

“Our rivers, our treasure!”

The winter descent for the preservation of the Drava River, organized by the Rafting Club Matis, in cooperation with ZEUS and WWF Adria, took place this Saturday. The event also highlighted the importance to better conserve our rivers. The Mura, Drava and Danube form a 700-kilometer long green belt ...
Preberi več
Preberi več
Poster English

World Wetlands Day "Wetlands for our future" – WWD 2016

You are invited to join a 12 km guided walk along the Mura in the frame of the RAMSAR World Wetlands Day: Date: Sunday, 31 January 2016 Meeting point: Cmurek / Mureck – camping site at 9:30 am Start: 10: 30 am at the Mill/Mura Finish: Castle Cmurek on Trate (SI) Fee: 7 EUR To take part in the ...
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Preberi več
Poster Drava Descent

Our rivers, our treasure!

The Drava Winter Descent

Everyone is invited to take part in the Drava Winter Descent in Croatia- the goal of the event is to send a clear message, which says that people want the Drava River, one of the greatest natural treasures, preserved and protected. Most suitable for the descent are canoes and kayaks, but one can ...
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Preberi več
Razor wire fence, © by HINA/ Tomislav Pavlek/ tp

Barbed wire fences between European countries endangers wildlife:

Statement by IUCN and WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group

In the last few months, more than 500,000 refugees and migrants from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries passed through Croatia in search of security and a better life in Germany and other European countries. In an attempt to control the further influx of migrants, Hungary started erecting a ...
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