Rešimo Muro


River scene, © by Goran Safarek

Video "Amazon of Europe"

by Goran Šafarek

Spanning across five countries, the lower courses of the Drava and Mura Rivers and related sections of the Danube form the so-called "Amazon of Europe", which is one of the most important ecological riverine areas in Europe. If you want to find out more about the area and learn about the ...
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Kayaking at its best, © by Rok Rozman

Invitation: Balkan Rivers Tour, April 16 - May 20

EuroNatur, Riverwatch, Leeway Collective and WWF Adria would like to invite you to a very unusual protest action: led by former Slovenian Olympic athlete Rok Rozman, kayakers from all over Europe will paddle the most stunning Balkan rivers between April 16 and May 20. The so-called “Balkan Rivers ...
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2nd AoE workshop, © by Arno Mohl

2nd International Stakeholder Workshop on the

"Amazon of Europe" Bike Trail

The socio-economic pilot project for the further development of the future Transboundary Biosphere Reserve "Mura-Drava-Danube" (TBR MDD), also called the "Amazon of Europe" (AoE) shall use sustainable tourism to set noticeable incentives for the regional economy. WWF Austria, ...
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Murwanderung, © by Walter Schmidbauer

Mura River Hike

RAMSAR Wetland Day 2016

In the frame of the RAMSAR Wetland Day, which took place on 31st January 2016, several hundred people hiked along the Border Mura to raise awareness about the importance of healthy rivers and their significance for people. The Museum of Madness (, together with local NGOs ...
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Mura River in Croatia, © by Miklos Toldi

Huge majority in the European Parliament votes against a revision of the EU Nature Laws

The WWF welcomes the outcome of the European Parliament’s vote on the own-initiative report on the Mid-term Review of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, Europe’s strategy to halt biodiversity loss by 2020. The vote which received support from nearly all Members of the European Parliament highlights ...
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