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JESEN U KOPACKOM RITU, © by Mario Romulic

Habitat survey Old Drava

Surveys of the habitats, terrestrial and aquatic fauna of the Old Drava along the 17km long oxbow were conducted in 2015 during spring and summer. The diversity of habitats along the meandering Old-Drava was clearly shown by the 17 habitat types recorded within the 80 allocated habitat patches. ...
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább
Obere Donau Region Strbac, © by Szilard Kovach

Wetland restoration in the Amazon of Europe

After restoring Semenjača pond, WWF plans to continue the restoration of natural habitats in the Special Nature Reserve "Gornje Podunavlje". This protected area represents a remarkable marshland and is as such one of the most important protected areas locally, regionally and in Europe. ...
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább
1st stakeholder workshop Koprivnica, © by WWF Arno Mohl

1st International Stakholder Workshop on the

"Amazon of Europe" Bike Trail

For the future Transboundary Biosphere Reserve "Mura-Drava-Danube" (TBR MDD), also called the "Amazon of Europe" (AoE), which connects 700 km of the rivers of Mura, Drava and Danube and five countries - Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and Serbia, sustainable tourism shall be ...
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább
Rivers unite - dams divide, © by Anze Osterman/Leeway Collective

Balkan Rivers Conference

RiverWatch and EuroNatur invited river enthusiasts and conservationists to come to the Balkan Rivers Conference, which took place from 25th – 27th of September in Belgrade. In total 120 people from 18 countries followed their invitation and took the opportunity to discuss how to stop the “dam ...
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább
Riverwatch, © by Arno Mohl/WWF

Riverwatcher – working in conserving the Drava for future generations

Natural stretches of Drava, Mura and Danube have been under pressure through regulation, gravel and sand excavation and other exploiting practices. The practice of sediment excavation seriously harms the rivers by lowering the groundwater level, which in turn has negative effects on agriculture, ...
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább