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Croatian plan to turn rivers into channels results in protests to EU

Zagreb, Croatia: Newly unveiled plans which would turn the Danube and Croatia’s other rivers into little more than regulated canals have been protested to the European Union by WWF, Croatian NGOs and EuroNatur. Read more
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább

WWF Urges Action To Save “Amazon of Europe”

Zagreb, Croatia – A WWF petition to save the Danube’s most valuable and best preserved natural river stretch is underway and despite support from close to 10,000 people more signatures are needed. Read more
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább

NGOs urge Minister to prevent the destruction of Europe’s best preserved wetlands and floodplain forests

Zagreb, Croatia - WWF, Green Action and the Croatian Society for Birds and Nature Protection today handed over a complaint to Davor Škrlec, Assistant Minister and a representative of Mirela Holy, Minister for Environment and Nature Protection asking her to immediately stop a project to channel the ...
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább

Mura-Drava-Danube Transboundary Biosphere Reserve hosts over 163.000 waterbirds

A total of 163.291 waterbirds was counted along Mura, Drava and Danube rivers and their floodplains during the recent International Waterfowl Count in January. Coalition of dozen NGOs from Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia, with their bird- and river- watchers has performed an immense effort to ...
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább

Riverwatchers to protect the “Amazon of Europe”

Launch of the Riverwatch Campaign in Croatia

Zagreb, Croatia - A long blue band waved by six men wearing uniforms on Zagreb’s central square today marked the start of WWF’s Riverwatch campaign aimed at halting destruction of Croatia’s unique natural rivers: the Danube, Drava and Mura – “Europe’s Amazon”. All three rivers are ...
Olvass tovább
Olvass tovább