Seit nunmehr sechs Jahren unterstützt die Asamer Holding AG den WWF bei der Verwirklichung des Fünf-Länder-Biosphärenparks „Mur-Drau-Donau“, der sich von Österreich über Slowenien, Kroatien, Ungarn bis nach Serbien erstreckt. Mit der Anerkennung des kroatisch-ungarischen Anteils ...
Successful World Wetland Day Celebration in Laafeld, Austria
February 2nd, 2013, World Wetlands Day: Rain, cold temperatures and even snow - one would say a true wetland day. Despite the unfavourable hiking conditions about 400 “friends of the Mura River” joined the 14 km walk along Mura River downstream of Bad Radkersburg in Austria on the border to ...
An International Committee Action for the Protection of Mura River NAŠA MURA-UNSERE MUR
2013 is the UN International Year of Water Cooperation. Along the Mura River there are still wetlands which are not on the map of Ramsar protected sites of International Importance. For this purpose Tabrih NGO is organizing walks at Mura River since 2000. This year we will visit Mura near the area ...
The still natural confluence of Mura and Drava rivers, straddling along the Croatian and Hungarian border, will not be channelled according to the latest decision by the Croatian Environmental Ministry. This is an important signal to effectively protect the core zone of the recently designated ...