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Master of photography: Goran Šafarek

The TBR MDD photographer and filmmaker Goran Šafarek spends a great deal of his time in the pursuit of the perfect picture, portraying wildlife at its best. Goran Šafarek is a biologist, photographer, and videographer who was honoured in a leading national newspapers as one of the top 100 people ...
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HPP Spielfeld, © by Denis Cizar

“Amazon of Europe” under threat!

National Parks in Hungary in peril Massive setback for nature conservation, as the Hungarian government accepted a bill on April, 28th 2015, which virtually abolishes the 10 National Parks in Hungary. More detailed, the management rights of over 300,000 hectare of protected areas will be taken away ...
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Restoration site, © by WWF in Serbia

WWF and Vojvodinašume continue partnership to restore Serbian wetlands

Novi Sad, Serbia - WWF and Serbia’s forest Public Enterprise (PE) Vojvodinašume signed a memorandum to continue their long-standing cooperation on nature protection for an indefinite period. The focus of the partnership in 2015 and 2016 will be on restoring 3 wetlands in the Special Nature ...
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White-tailed eagle, © by Mario Romulic

Kick-off "White-tailed Eagle Campaign"

Novi Sad/ Serbia – WWF is launching a campaign in Serbia for the responsible use of pesticides called "Listen up and stop the poisoning! The eagle is down!” The reason is the increasing number of pesticide poisonings of strictly protected animals. Amongst them are greatly endangered ...
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Spoonbills, © by Tibor Mikuska

First spoonbills arrived in the "Amazon of Europe"

Spring has finally arrived in Europe and so have the first spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) in the planned 5-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube (TBR MDD)! The first sights have been reported by Tibor Mikuska from the Croatian Society for the Protection of Birds and Nature on March, 25th ...
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