Spasimo Muru


Kock-off event DravaLIFE Project, © by Damjan Kolarek

DRAVA LIFE - Integrated River Management for people and nature

The project "DRAVA LIFE - integrated river management" wants to improve the ecological status of the Drava and improve flood protection. Last Friday, the 5-year EU project "DRAVA LIFE - integrated management of the river" was officially opened in Legrad, Croatia. The project ...
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Uredba za izgradnjo 8 HEna Muri je nezakonita, © by Denis Cizar, Muramar

NGOs urge the Constitutional Court to revoke the regulation for the construction of hydropower plants on the Mura River

The concession to build a chain of hydropower plants on the Mura is illegal and unconstitutional

NGOs urge the Constitutional Court to revoke the regulation for the construction of hydropower plants on the Mura River The regulation, which was awarded a concession to build a chain of hydropower plants on the Mura is illegal and unconstitutional Non-governmental organizations urge the ...
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BioBlitz Logo, © by Institute for Nature Conservation Slovenia

BioBlitz 2016 at Mura River

For the second time now, the BioBlitz event took place along the Mura River on Friday and Saturday, 10 and 11.06.2016. The event was organised by the Institute for Nature Conservation, together with more than 40 organisations. The motto of the event was 24 hours with the Mura River, which meant 24 ...
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Participants field trip, © by Alexandra Stojkov

3rd International Stakeholder Workshop

"Amazon of Europe" Bike Trail

WWF Austria, in cooperation with EuroNatur is working on the establishment of a transboundary bike trail, the so-called "Amazon of Europe" Bike Trail, which will be realised by building on and enhancing already existing routes in Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia. Supported ...
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Sterlet, © by Boštjan Flegar

Sterlet release at Ceršak

WWF, together with local NGOs, released 30 sterlets into the Mura River to highlight the importance of the Mura River for the conservation of fish species, as it is the river with the greatest fish biodiversity in Slovenia: two thirds of Slovenian fish species can be found here. Before the release, ...
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