Spasimo Muru


WWF’s “Amazon of Europe” initiative is European Riverprize finalist

Vienna, Austria - The WWF and EuroNatur initiative to establish a five-country UNESCO Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube“ across Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia has been recognized as a finalist for the 2013 European Riverprize of the International River Foundation. “Being ...
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10th Meeting of the European Stork Villages

Velika Polana, 7-10 August, 2013

The meeting will be organized in the village of Velika Polana which was awarded with the title of a European Stork village in the year 1999. The meeting will be held during the Stork festival - Pomurje summer festival in Velika Polana, which will be celebrated from 4-11 August and is hosting a lot ...
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Wanderung an der Grenzmur

Sonntag, 10. August 2013 - Begleitveranstaltung zur Ausstellung MUR+AUEN

Mit dem Europaschutzgebiet (Natura 2000) "Grenzmur" soll der zukünftige grenzüberschreitende UNESO-Biosphärenpark "Mur-Drau-Donau" beginnen. Treffpunkt: Pavelhaus, 14 Uhr Führung durch die Ausstellung Mur+Auen im Pavelhaus Anschließende geführte Wanderung (2-3 Stunden) ...
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Invitation to Bodrog Festival in in Bački Monoštor, Serbia, 9-10 August 2013

Ethno festival of food, heritage and crafts

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WWF: First ever Amazon of Europe Day kicked off with “Big Jumps” into Mura, Drava and Danube rivers on 14 July

Cross-border events in the transboundary UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube

Bad Radkersburg/Austria, Hrastje Mota/Slovenia, Legrad/ Croatia, Örtilos/Hungary, Sombor/Serbia – WWF in alliance with EuroNatur and many partner NGOs celebrated the first Amazon of Europe Day on 14 July 2013 with various events on the natural riverbanks of the Mura, Drava and Danube. The three ...
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