Spasimo Muru


White-tailed eagles, © by Mario Romulic

Kick-off "White-tailed Eagle Campaign"

Novi Sad/ Serbia – WWF is launching a campaign in Serbia for the responsible use of pesticides called "Listen up and stop the poisoning! The eagle is down!” The reason is the increasing number of pesticide poisonings of strictly protected animals. Amongst them are greatly endangered ...
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Spoonbills (c) Tibor Mikuska, © by Tibor Mikuska

First spoonbills arrived in the "Amazon of Europe"

Spring has finally arrived in Europe and so have the first spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) in the planned 5-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube (TBR MDD)! The first sights have been reported by Tibor Mikuska from the Croatian Society for the Protection of Birds and Nature on March, 25th ...
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Juncker’s List: No EU money for Drava dams in Croatia

WWF is delighted to share good news from the Croatian Drava, namely that there will be no funding for nature-destroying hydropower dam projects by the European Fund for Strategic Investments. What happened? In January 2015, the Croatian government submitted a list of 75 projects to be considered ...
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Glattdick aus 1936, © by

In search of the “Phantom Sturgeon”

Another very challenging WWF project started in winter 2014/15 in the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube” (TBR MDD). It is trying to find evidence whether the ship sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris), also called the “Phantom Sturgeon”, is actually extinct or whether there are ...
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Sterlets, © by Rumen Dobrev

Little sturgeons are hatching!

Great news from the WWF restocking project on the Danube in Bulgaria: on February, 18th 2015, small sterlets began to hatch on a farm in Montana, Bulgaria, which were bred for the WWF sturgeon restocking programme. The Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus), which can also be found in the planned ...
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