Spasimo Muru


Poster Drava Descent

Our rivers, our treasure!

The Drava Winter Descent

Everyone is invited to take part in the Drava Winter Descent in Croatia- the goal of the event is to send a clear message, which says that people want the Drava River, one of the greatest natural treasures, preserved and protected. Most suitable for the descent are canoes and kayaks, but one can ...
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Razor wire fence, © by HINA/ Tomislav Pavlek/ tp

Barbed wire fences between European countries endangers wildlife:

Statement by IUCN and WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group

In the last few months, more than 500,000 refugees and migrants from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries passed through Croatia in search of security and a better life in Germany and other European countries. In an attempt to control the further influx of migrants, Hungary started erecting a ...
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Floodplain forest, © by Miklos Toldi

Hydropower energy is not the best solution

On 10th November 2015, the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment organised a conference in the European Parliament which was entitled “How green is hydropower?” In a time, where crucial decisions for the future of our climate and energy policies are made, ...
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JESEN U KOPACKOM RITU, © by Mario Romulic

Habitat survey Old Drava

Surveys of the habitats, terrestrial and aquatic fauna of the Old Drava along the 17km long oxbow were conducted in 2015 during spring and summer. The diversity of habitats along the meandering Old-Drava was clearly shown by the 17 habitat types recorded within the 80 allocated habitat patches. ...
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Obere Donau Region Strbac, © by Szilard Kovach

Wetland restoration in the Amazon of Europe

After restoring Semenjača pond, WWF plans to continue the restoration of natural habitats in the Special Nature Reserve "Gornje Podunavlje". This protected area represents a remarkable marshland and is as such one of the most important protected areas locally, regionally and in Europe. ...
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