Third “Amazon of Europe” Day - Action for river protection
Big Jump into the Mura, Drava and Danube will mark the day
The by now traditional Big Jump will be the highlight of this year’s “Amazon of Europe” Day on July, 12th 2015. Across five countries (Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia) the day celebrates the beauty of living rivers in the future 5-country transboundary UNESCO Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube” (TBR MDD).
At 3 pm (CET), people will jump in the Mura, Drava and Danube, as well as into other European rivers. The Big Jump aims at reconciling people with their rivers and is a celebration of living rivers along river stretches where quality standard have been reached. This inspiring project captures the essence of current EU water protection legislation and combines it in one single act: at one date, at one time, people will jump into their rivers!
Within the TBR MDD, Big Jumps are organised by WWF together with numerous local partners at the following date and locations:
Date: 12 July, 2015
Time: 3pm local time (joint jump into the river)
Austria & Slovenia – Border Mura at Donnersdorf/Apace (Radfahrbrücke)
Croatia – Danube, Drava & Mura – various locations
Hungary – Danube at Dunabogdány
Serbia – Danube at Veliki Bački Channel (Sombor - Café del Sol)
Besides the Big Jump, people will celebrate with various other activities: from canoe regattas, rafting and guided tours through the floodplains, to presentations of local folklore, educational tents, treasure hunts, and even a floating design installation.
“The Big Jump is a fantastic idea. It brings people closer to rivers, lets them celebrate their beauty, and helps raise awareness about threats like new hydropower dams planned on the Mura and Drava. The day should also be a reminder of what is at stake once such plans are implemented,” said Arno Mohl, WWF’s Mura-Drava-Danube project coordinator. “Also, this is an important month as the designation of the Croatian-Hungarian part of the future 5-country reserve took place on July, 11th 2012,” he added.
The “Amazon of Europe” Day is celebrated every year in memory of Martin Schneider-Jacoby, who, up until his far too early and sudden death, dedicated his work at EuroNatur to preserve, amongst others, this unique river system.
The map of all participating places across Europe can be found here.