The "Amazon of Europe" Bike Trail
Background and goal
As a socio-economic guiding project for the further development of future Transboundary Biosphere Reserve „Mura-Drava-Danube“ (TBR MDD) WWF Austria initiated the idea of establishing a cross-border cycle path, a unique brand for bike tourism, the so-called "Amazon of Europe" Bike Trail. The idea is to build on and enhancing existing routes in the TBR MDD region.
With this idea, WWF Austria together with Euronatur and supported by external contractor Revital, started in 2015 with the development of an implementation concept for the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail. Local stakeholders (e.g. regional development agencies, planning organisations, protected area authorities and NGOs, interested stakeholders from the region) from all five TBR MDD countries, as well as international tourism experts were involved in the development of the implementation concept as well as the development of the preliminary bike route. Experience from existing, well-functioning trails were incorporated into the development of the concept. One example for such a trail is the famous Alpe-Adria-Trail. Within four Workshops, the team managed to create an output ("Implementation Concept") that served as basis for applying the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail project within the Danube Transnational Programme.
The Interreg Project „Amazon of Europe Bike Trail“ started in June 2018 and will last three years. A joint bike trail along the rivers Mura, Drava and Danube will be established.
With the bike trail, the project is contributing in fulfilling one of the three functions of a biosphere reserve: Developing the region in socio-economic and ecologically sustainable terms. This initiative aims to create an eco-touristic flagship product generating economic benefits for local people and thereby increasing the acceptance of the biosphere reserve.
The bike trail leads through one of the most important natural river ecosystems of Europe, offering an immense biological diversity. Taking care that the bike trail route and its related areas and infrastructure do not conflict with nature conservation goals and protected areas is the responsibility of WWF Austria. On the one hand, visitors should be able to experience the amazing beauty, the region offers: observe the nature, swim in the rivers and forget the everyday life. On the other, the various plant and animal species shall not be harmed or disturbed by the presence of cyclists. WWF Austria is responsible for the development of a visitor guidance concept as well as standards for nature oriented implementation of the bike trail and will accompany the implementation of the trail.
The official project website of the Interreg Programme with news on the project can be found here:
The project “Amazon of Europe Bike Trail” is co-financed by the European Union within the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. 15 full project partners share a budget of 3,176 million Euro. WWF Austria is coordination the work package “Nature oriented trail”.
The project started on 1st of June 2018 and lasts three years: June 2018 – May 2021
Project Partners
15 full partners and 10 associated partners are building the project team.
Project partners
Iskriva, institute for development of local potentials (Lead Partner), Slovenia
Balaton-felvidéki Nationalpark, Hungary
City of Sombor, Serbia
Entrepreneurs’ Centre of Somogy County Foundation, Hungary
Koprivnica Križevci County, Croatia
Municipality of Apatin, Serbia
Municipality Velika Polana, Slovenia
Public institution for management of protected parts of nature and ecological network in Virovitica Podravina county, Croatia
Regional Development Agency of Slavonia and Baranja ltd for international and regional cooperation, Croatia
Tourism Association Region Bad Radkersburg, Austria
Tourism board of Međimurje county, Croatia
Trail Angels GmbH, Austria
West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd., Hungary
WWF Adria, Croatia
WWF Austria
Associated partners
Danube Competence Center, Serbia
Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria
Ministry of National Development – Department of Cycling Coordination, Hungary
Ministry of National Development – Office of the Government Commissioner for Cycling and Active Recreation, Hungary
Ministry of Tourism, Croatia
Ministry of Econocmi Development and Technology, Slovenia
Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Sel-Government, Serbia
Tourism board of Osijek-Baranja county, Croatia
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Italy
Zala county Government, Hungary