Rettet die Mur


Croatian Big Jump 2015, © by Zeleni Osijek

"Amazon of Europe" Day & Big Jump on July, 10th 2016

Croatia, various locations

The main event for the traditional "Amazon of Europe" Day & Big Jump in Croatia will be held in Varaždin at the old Dravsko pools. There, the celebrations will go on over the whole weekend, including two concerts, a series of workshops, beach football, water games and much more. The ...
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Big Jump 2015, © by WWF Hungary

"Amazon of Europe" Day & Big Jump on July, 10th 2016

Hungary - Dunabogdány

Hungary joins the celebrations of Big Jump with the biggest splash in the region. 15 municipalities, 8 counties and 8 rivers and creeks participate in this year’s Big Jump, dedicated to the Amazon of Europe. Apart from Danube, Drava and Tisza, Szamos, Sajó, Túr and Séd creek are participating ...
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Big Jump Banner, © by WWF AT

"Amazon of Europe" Day & Big Jump on July, 10th 2016

Austria/Slovenia - Donnersdorfer Radfahrbrücke (connecting Apace and Donnersdorf)

For the 4th time now the "Amazon of Europe" Day will be celebrated in the TBR MDD. The event will take place on July, 10th 2016 and as in the previous years, the BIG JUMP will be the highlight of the day. The BIG JUMP celebrates the beauty of healthy rivers and highlights the value of ...
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Kock-off event DravaLIFE Project, © by Damjan Kolarek

DRAVA LIFE - Integrated River Management for people and nature

The project "DRAVA LIFE - integrated river management" wants to improve the ecological status of the Drava and improve flood protection. Last Friday, the 5-year EU project "DRAVA LIFE - integrated management of the river" was officially opened in Legrad, Croatia. The project ...
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Uredba za izgradnjo 8 HEna Muri je nezakonita, © by Denis Cizar, Muramar

NGOs urge the Constitutional Court to revoke the regulation for the construction of hydropower plants on the Mura River

The concession to build a chain of hydropower plants on the Mura is illegal and unconstitutional

NGOs urge the Constitutional Court to revoke the regulation for the construction of hydropower plants on the Mura River The regulation, which was awarded a concession to build a chain of hydropower plants on the Mura is illegal and unconstitutional Non-governmental organizations urge the ...
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