Sačuvajmo reku Muru


Hungary’s National Parks – save after all?

As reported at the beginning of the month, Hungary has plans to take away more than 300,000 hectare of protected areas from National Parks’ management and transfer the management to the National Land Management Fund Organisation.

However, Hungary’s president, János Áder, has not signed the law for the transferral of the management of national parks yet, but forwarded it to the Constitutional Court for a so-called judicial review.

The central questions that are reviewed in this process is whether the absolute majority was sufficient for a law change, whether nature conservation can be ensured under the new management and whether the law is a violation of constitutional provisions.

The plans to put the management of these areas into the hands of the National Land Management Fund Organisation would threaten the protection of vital areas, also within the Croatian-Hungarian Transboundary Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube”.

For more information on the subject please click here (German website).