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Amazon of Europe : Website Relaunch

We’re pleased to announce that work is underway on a refreshed version of the Amazon of Europe website. Our team is focused on creating a modern, interactive website to better showcase the beauty and diversity of the UNESCO Five-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube. During this development ...
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Drava-Danube confluence in sunset, © by Ante Gugić

WWF: UNESCO je područje Mure, Drave i Dunava proglasio prvim petodržavnim rezervatom biosfere na svetu!

Najveće zaštićeno rečno područje u Evropi koje je danas UNESCO proglasio prvim na svetu petodržavnim rezervatom biosfere Mura-Drava-Dunav, međunarodni je primer sinergije zaštite prirode i održivog razvoja

Beč/Zagreb/Budimpešta/Ljubljana/Beograd, 15. septembra 2021. godine - UNESCO je na sastanku održanom danas u Abudži, Nigeriji, proglasio prvi na svetu petodržavni rezervat biosfere koji se proteže Austrijom, Slovenijom, Hrvatskom, Mađarskom i Srbijom. Područje od 930.000 hektara i 700 ...
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Mura river, © by Arno Mohl

Rezervat biosfere kroz Srbiju, Hrvatsku, Mađarsku, Austriju i Sloveniju korak bliže realizaciji

Godinu dana nakon što je „Bačko Podunavlje“ upisano na UNESKO listu rezervata biosfere, na godišnjoj konferenciji održanoj 25. jula UNESKO je na listu dodao i rezervat biosfere „Mura“ u Sloveniji. Time je rezervat biosfere u pet zemalja - Evropski Amazon, korak bliže ostvarenju, s ...
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WWF and NGO-Alliance: Save the Mura – Stop the dams!

Petition launch against the destruction of Slovenia´s “Amazon of Europe”

Ljubljana, Vienna, Budapest, Zagreb, Belgrade / September 6th, 2017 – Today, WWF and an alliance of Slovenian, Austrian, Croatian and Hungarian NGOs - Mojamura, the Slovenian Native Fish Society, the Austrian Naturschutzbund, Drava Federation and ZEUS - launched an international public petition ...
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Mosaic_Group, © by Tomaž Majerič

coop MDD - Celebrating the “Amazon of Europe” – our shared natural heritage

Letenye, Hungary – The international event “Amazon of Europe Celebration”, organised today in the framework of the “coop MDD” project in Letenye, brought together more than 100 people, NGOs and governmental institutions from five countries in joint celebration of our shared natural ...
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