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Action for river protection: WWF celebrates 2nd Amazon of Europe Day across five countries

BIG JUMPs and various cross-border events in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube

20140713_Amazon of Europe Day and Big Jump, © by WWF
20140713_Amazon of Europe Day and Big Jump, © by WWF

Halbenrain/Austria, Apace/Slovenia, Križnica/Croatia, Gemenc/Hungary, Sombor/Serbia – July 14th, 2014 – Joined by EuroNatur and many local partner NGOs, WWF celebrated the second Amazon of Europe Day on 13 July with various events on the natural riverbanks of the Mura, Drava and Danube. Thousands of people all over Europe simultaneously jumped into their rivers to set the stage for water protection and send their message about the high ecological value of wetlands and living rivers in contrary to lifeless channels that serve only for navigation and electricity production.

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