“Wetlands take care of Water“
An International Committee Action for the Protection of Mura River NAŠA MURA-UNSERE MUR
2013 is the UN International Year of Water Cooperation. Along the Mura River there are still wetlands which are not on the map of Ramsar protected sites of International Importance. For this purpose Tabrih NGO is organizing walks at Mura River since 2000. This year we will visit Mura near the area of the confluence with Kučnica River and at the Mura River extension in Sicheldorf at European Green Belt. Join us for a walk along the Mura River with Nature interpreters and get to know the special benefits of the largest wetlands along the Mura River in middle Europe. With our walk we are sending a clear message that Mura River should remain free of dams for power stations as a part of a future UNESCO Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Mura- Drava-Danube.
9:00 Meeting place Laafeld, HOAMATHAUS
Start and Finish, Refreshment and Parking Area
Welcome by an International Committee for Protection of Mura River and by guests from Slovenia, Austria, Croatia and Hungary
10:00 Start of the guided walk along the Mura
Price 6 EUR
The walk is approximately 14 km long. Warm lunch and drinks will be available. We recommend weatherproof walking boots and clothes. Please form driving communities.
Contact person in Slovenia for NGO TABRIH: Franc Žižek: +386 31 703 642, tabrih@siol.net
Contact person in Austria: Mag. Bernard Wieser, L.E.i.V., 8345 Stainz/Straden 85, 0664 191 93 46, bernard.wieser@utanet.at www.blauracke.at
More information