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River restoration project BIOMURA

For conservation of biodiversity and wetlands plus protection of quality and quantity of water resources in the area, a set of measures was proposed: the re-connection of the main channel of the Mura River with side branches, local widening of the channel as well as sustainable maintenance of alluvial forests and side branches of the river. In October 2006 the five-year EU financed LIFE project “Conservation of the biodiversity of the Mura river in Slovenia (BIOMURA)” started. The main aim of the project was to ensure conservation of existing natural resources and biodiversity and to restore the ecological character of the Mura river corridor. 15.2 km2 flood area of the Mura river in Slovenia were restored. The area lies between the flood control dykes on the section Bunčani, Dokležovje, Ižakovci, Krapje, Melinci and on the main river channel (total length: 8.3 km).
More information: http://www.biomura.si