Save The Mura

Biosphere Reserve

Hrastje Mota

The decision to build a hydropower dam at Hrastje Mota on the Mura River in Slovenia is further pushed ahead. Though the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEA) of this project, which started in 2012, is still ongoing and results are not known yet, the Slovenian government asked already for EU funding for this project. Furthermore, this project will have transboundary impacts on the TBR MDD in Austria, Hungary and Croatia.

These plans would affect an 8km long river stretch between the Austrian border and Hrastje Mota. The whole area is protected under Natura 2000 and moreover core zone of the Slovenian part of the planned 5 country Biosphere Reserve "Mura-Drava-Danube".
The construction of hydropower power plant “Hrastje Mota” would have negative impacts on the ecosystems and the unique biodiversity in the area. For example, natural water level dynamics between high and low water and groundwater dynamics (“floodplain pulsation") would be destroyed. As a result, the basic requirements for intact wetlands and the diversity of habitats would not be given anymore. Furthermore, typical river species, such as kingfisher, sandpiper or black stork would disappear from the area, as would valuable recreational areas for local people.
In total, there are plans to build a total of 8 hydropower plants at the cost of approximately 278 million Euro. Doing so would turn the Slovenian Mura (including the part along the Austrian border) into a chain of water reservoirs.