Rettet die Mur


Wetland Restoration

WWF DCP is implementing a two-pillar project of wetland revitalization in the Drava-Danube confluence area. Restoration will take place in the Strbac area of Special Nature Reserve “Gornje Podunavlje” (Serbia) and at the Podunavlje fishponds in “Kopački Rit” Nature Park (Croatia). The project duration is two years: 2011-2012. The aim is to support and enable successful preservation of natural values in the project areas. Practical wetland restoration of both sites will demonstrate the benefits of integrated water management and sustainable use of water resources and provide inspiration for similar projects across the region. The restoration projects are funded by “The Coca-Cola Company”.

In SNR Gornje Podunavlje the area to be restored consists of wet meadows and shallow ponds that have been overgrown by shrubby and wooden vegetation. This has led to the decline of pristine natural habitats of the Strbac area and a negative impact on biodiversity. An area overgrown by shrubby and wooden vegetation was prepared for restoration by removing the vegetation. The restoration in Strbac aims to promote the re-establishment of mosaic natural habitats (wet meadows and shallow ponds), to improve the conservation status of species through habitat restoration as well as the possibilities for local sustainable ecotourism, particularly bird watching.